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Showing posts from February, 2020

THEOSA FEST 11/01/2020

THEOSA FEST  A get together of all the theophilites till date. It indeed seemed to a great day full of fun and experience.

New year ASSEMBLY by PHYSICAL SCIENCE optionals 01/01/2020

Assembly: "JUNGLE FIRE "  The new year @ Theophilus has started up with an assembly organised by physical science optionals. The thought of the year was about " RESPONSIBILITY ". The principal had titled the team as the JUNGLE FIRE based on the colour of their attire.           With Benedict Sir and Neena tr                    Theosa News by Aparna                             News by Bodhi Anchor: SofyMol            With our Maya tr and Neena tr

Xmas celebrations 20/12/2019

Jingle bells rang @ Theophilus Last minute preparations on xmas celebration after the arts day seemed to a wounderful day. The dress code white n red created a pleasant feeling of Christmas mood. Oru lil Christmas papa Kunji papa: a sweet click  Xmas gift purchase Xmas gift kittiye Our crib Physical Science Students With our Neena tr.

Arts fest 2k19 18/12/19

Arts fest A two day arts fest indeed seemed to come out with flying colours. Within limited days of preparation for various group events, all the theophilites have made their parts the best. I am too glad that I've got prizes for which all items that I've participated. I secured 1st place in monoact and other 2 group items included thiruvathira and group dance with 1st & 3rd places respectively.  The overall winner of the day was team NILAGIRI. The 1st runners up were team SATPURA. Lamp lightening ceremony by Innocent sir           A token of love to the guest invited From the inaugural session                   Spot photography 1st prize                 Pic courtesy: adwaith sankar                       Fancy dress 1st prize                        Pausing for a photo  Behind the stage    Monoact                   Thiruvathirakkali on stage Group dance team Kadhapransangam Nadan pattu team Team SA

SPARKZ 2K19 16/12/2019

Sparkz 2k19 Sparkz by 63rd union ADVAYA has created mesmerising moments in the field of arts and sports including spot choreo, mehandi designing, best teacher competition, badminton and what not. The talents of theosa too have proved their part and won prizes for mehandi designing , spot choreo and badminton.   Inaugural ceremony                   Mahendi designer winner                       Faslana and deepika                   Badminton winners girls                         Reshma and Anju                   Badminton winners boys                         Anoop and Mohit                            Sports winners                   With all the participants

Yummy tummy filled of FOOOOOOD 13/12/2019..THEOSA FOOD FEST 2K19

2k19 Food Fest All departments were very enthusiastic on announcement of the food fest. Within a very short span all have came with varieties of dishes. Malayalam optionals had a live THATTUKADA whereas English optionals marked their trade with the NADAN KAPPA BIRIYANI. Maths optinols were highlightned with their creamy MUSHROOM SOUP along with NORTH INDIA CULTURAL food items - PANI POORI  &  BELPOORI.  THATTUKADA Choodu dosa😋 Then came the group who had the highest profit from lowest investment - none other than THE "P HOTONS"  PHYSICAL SCIENCE  optionals. The key receips of their own trademarked product the BONJI SARBATH which had a cocktail effect on the prime sip itself came out of a big success. The next iconic item was KIZHI ERACHI POOTTU  &  PAZHANKANJI. Sambharam with free Manga achar was also sold out easily along with a combo pack of kappa with mulaku etta meenkari. Physical Science : THE KANTHARIS             Principal: "Bonj

Theophilites on a STEP UP "DANSPIRATION" 09 / 12 / 2019

Danspiration The world of dance art begins with a step on foots###English optional students have started their venture on dance classes for their mates. A great appreciation for the guys for their sincere initiative.                            All ready set go !  "THATTADAVU" Bhartanatyum class 1