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Showing posts from October, 2020

23/10/2020 TEAM TEACHING 1

Team Teaching 1 A very happy day on all along these BEd course. First of all thanking Dr Neena Thomas, our tutor, for giving me in-charge duty of very first team teaching. The team teaching have been a great success because of constant support and coordination of my team members including Anjima, Aparna, SofyMol, Surya and myself. The session completed within 30 minutes. We all 5 members interacted with one another throughout the session. We the team, ŚÀÂÄŠ are thankful to all the peer members for their sincere comments.                         Topic : Buoyancy  Set Induction   -  Anjima Illustration with examples - Archana                             (Upward force in fluids) Demonstration - Aparna                              ( What is buoyancy?) Explanation...

Week 6##LinkPractice

Week 6 Day 1

17/10/2020 - International Day of Poverty Eradication

The  theme  for  International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2020  is "Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all". According to UN, this addresses "the challenge of achieving social and environmental justice for all".

17/10/2020 - Webinar 'NAI THALIM'

" NAI THALIM" The one day webinar in association  with Department  of Education  started at 9.30 am, 17.10.2020.The resource person for the day was Dr.Sameer Babu M., Assitant Professor         Resource Person: Dr Sameer Babu M                    Convenor: Dr Maya.S

My Link Practice - 15/10/2020

                       LINK LESSON - 4             TOPIC: PROPERTIES OF METALS             SKILLS: SET INDUCTION,           EXPLAINATIONS, STIMULUS VARIATION  The day consisted of 5 sessions and mine was the last. Despite of having the continuous long sessions on chemistry/ physics I am happy that I could draw attention of my peer team towards the class. I started with a refreshing life skill session followed by a 'challenging task' of completion of 7 properties within 7 minutes or around 7. I've checked the previous knowledge followed by explanation onto the "properties of metal" with the help of a video presentation .  I am thankful to Bodhi for presenting the video. I had completed the content explanation within 7.40 mins + 1.50 mins on c...


WORLD STUDENTS ' DAY India is celebrating World Students' Day today. The birth anniversary of former President APJ Abdul Kalam on  October 15  is observed as World Students' Day.

Week 5 ###Link Practice

Week 5 Day 1 Week 5 Day 2 Week 5 Day 3 Week 5 Day 4

10.10.2020 A VERY SPECIAL DAY😍😍😍

                              10 10 2020                                       A day very close to my heart since 2012                                    "Tapping the screen" started 8 years back😜


World Mental Health Day 2k20 World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health .

10/10/2020 - National Post Day

                NATIONAL POST DAY 2K20 In India, the  National Postal Day  is celebrated annually on  10 October,  as an extension of  World Post Day,  which is celebrated on  9 October.  The Day aims to commemorate the role played by the Indian postal department for the past  150 years,  which was founded in  1854  by  Lord Dalhousie.

09/10/2020 - WORLD POST DAY

WORLD POST DAY 2020 World Post Day 2020's theme is “We Have Always Delivered”. The UPU's latest poster design embodies the UPU's three strategic pillars:  innovation , integration and inclusion. The day is celebrated to express gratitude towards the workers of the postal industry and their services.

08/10/2020 - WORLD SIGHT DAY

 WORLD SIGHT DAY 2020 World Sight Day is an annual day of awareness held on the second Thursday of October, to focus global attention on blindness and vision impairment. This year, World Sight Day will take place on 8 October 2020 with the theme:  Hope In Sight .

My Link Practice - 08/10/2020

        TOPIC :   MODERN PERIODIC TABLE SKILLS :-   COMMUNICATION  REINFORCEMENT  CLOSURE                           I was the 4th and the last one to take today's session. I was on the motive of introducing a new tool to the class "PTABLE" which is a Dynamic  Periodic Table. As per the review which I got, communication skills and closure were being highlighted by the most. But needs improvement in reinforcement. Mass answering was observed in the initial minutes of the lesson but later on cleared  it. I sincerely accept  all the comments put forward by Aparna, Merlin, Aswathy,Faslana and Aleena. I am thankful to Dr Neena Thomas, our tutor, for the valuable notes to improve myself.  I would also like to thank my peer team for their co operation as being 9th standard students. Last but not the least ,thanking the...