The team of peer teaching consists of three members, myself - Archana Sudevan, Anjima J Nair and Anatte V Chacko. The topic was very relevant to be discussed at this time. The session was equally handled we three. The link of the session recorded is given below.
A cognitive map (sometimes called, but should not be confused with, a mental map or mental model ) is a type of mental representation which serves an individual to acquire, code, store, recall, and decode information about the relative locations and attributes of phenomena in their everyday or metaphorical spatial environment. The concept was introduced by Edward Tolman in 1948.The term was generalized by some researchers, especially in the field of operations research , to refer to a kind of semantic network representing an individual's personal knowledge or schemas . A cognitive map helps break down complex research questions, establish priorities for followup research, and add clarity to abstract concepts. In cognitive mapping sessions, users are asked to create a map of a process, concept, or problem. The cognitive map is a representat...
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